What We Do
The Long-Term Care Data Cooperative is a provider-led effort to gather long-term care (LTC) and post-acute care (PAC) residents’ electronic medical records (EMR) and associated data to help providers with their clinical care and operations, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments and practices on resident outcomes. The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) has partnered with Brown University to develop the LTC Data Cooperative on behalf of providers.

This is a FREE opportunity for all long-term care and post-acute care providers through funding from the National Institute on Aging (NIA)! Participants will need to sign a participation agreement, which includes a Business Associate Agreement and an authorization form to allow your EMR vendor to transfer data to the LTC Data Cooperative.

The mission of the Long-Term Care (LTC) Data Cooperative is to improve the quality of care within post-acute and long-term care facilities by compiling the most comprehensive data on post-acute and long-term care residents nationwide – and to translate these data into accessible and actionable information designed to help clinicians, managers and policy makers improve care.

The LTC Data Cooperative assembles resident data from the major long-term care electronic medical record (EMR) vendors. These data serve four key purposes:

1. healthcare operations/population health analytics
2. public health surveillance
3. observational, comparative effectiveness research
4. clinical research studies

To join, email to receive the participation agreement.

Once enrolled, the EMR companies will send your data to the LTC Data Cooperative. There are no other requirements, but participants will have the opportunity to:
1. Review various reports to assist with care coordination and improve operations and clinical systems of care.
2. Voluntarily participate in research funded through federal agencies and in LTC Data Cooperative committees.
Acute Long-Term Care, Analytics
2 Massachusetts Avenue NE
Unit 77880
Washington, DC 20013
United States